
Occasional thoughts and writings

Discovering Nuxt

After starting to learn Vue 3 a few years ago, I decided to continue the learning path to Nuxt 3
Avatar of Wouter Vernaillen
Zottegem, Belgium

Hello World

Introducing a complete rewrite of the website for my freelance business, now built with Vue 3, Vite, Tailwind and Markdown
Avatar of Wouter Vernaillen
Zottegem, Belgium

Building a stronger personal brand

the story behind the website
Avatar of Wouter Vernaillen
Bali, Indonesia

Using Liferay 7 to build a community website

plans for the devNomads website
Avatar of Wouter Vernaillen
Zottegem, Belgium

My action plan after Liferay DevCon

Liferay DevCon
Avatar of Wouter Vernaillen
Darmstadt, Germany